Ukazom predsednika Republike Srbije od 14. februara 2024. za naročite zasluge u oblasti naučno - istraživačke delatnosti, povodom 75 godina postojanja odlikovan je Institut za nuklearne nauke "Vinča" Sretenjskim ordenom drugog stepena.
Naučni skup pod nazivom „75 godina nauke, tehnologije i inovacija u Institutu Vinča", je održan 30. i 31. januara 2024. godine u Svečanoj Sali Rektorata Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Skup je imao za cilj da upozna predstavnike Vlade Republike Srbije, javnih institucija i relevantnu javnost sa najnovijim dostignućima i rezultatima Instituta „Vinča" u oblasti prirodno-matem...
The 9th meeting of the JINR-Serbia Joint Coordination Committee on Cooperation (JCC) took place on 30 November at Vinča Institute pf Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade as part of the visit of the JINR delegation to the Republic of Serbia.
The JINR delegation represents Dr. S. Nedelko – Chief Scientific Secretary, Prof. B. Gikal – Directorate, Dr. D. Kamanin – University Centre, coordinator, Prof. A. Bugay – Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Dr. O. Culicov – International Cooperation D...
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia has signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China on participation at the CEPC project to be hosted by IHEP. The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is one of the most relevant future Higgs factory projects, having in mind the People's Republic of China as a host country, as well as the time-scale of its expected ...
Tamara Vučić posetila je Institut „Vinča“ u utorak 7. novembra i razgovarala sa direktorkom Instituta prof. dr Snežanom Pajović i saradnicima.
Supruga predsednika Republike Srbije, nakon prijema kod direktorke, obišla je Laboratoriju za fizičku hemiju, Laboratoriju za molekularnu biologiju i endokrinologiju i Laboratoriju za radioizotope.
The Vinča’s Horizon Award is programme for research and technological development by financing multidisciplinary projects in the Institute that will be applicable, with intentions to establish a path from research to the commercialization. Idea is to improve the research potential of Vinca Institute by promoting the prize and add a new glow to the one of oldest Institute in the Republic of Serbia.
The Annual Awards of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences is awarded to researchers for the specific scientific results achieved at the Institute in the field of activity of the Institute, which are defined by the Statute of the Institute. Rules on Awarding and Recognition (srb)
the list of research instruments
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