Prof. dr Santo Gammino, Director of INFN-LNS (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud), Catania, Sicily, Italy, visited the Vinča Institute in Belgrade on August 27, 2024. During his visit, Prof. Gammino met with the Assistant Director, dr Marija Janković, and the Group for Biophysics and Radiation Biology, led by dr Miloš Đorđević, which has maintained a long-standing and productive collaboration with INFN-LNS.
Prof. Gammino presented a historical overview of the INFN-LNS Institute, followed by a comprehensive overview of its scientific activities in the fields of nuclear physics, nuclear and particle astrophysics, and applied research in accelerator and plasma physics. He also discussed the application of nuclear physics in medicine and biology, the preservation of cultural heritage, and radiation monitoring. In particular, he highlighted the current status of upgrades to some of the key accelerator facilities at this renowned national laboratory.

Dr Janković presented a historical overview and the scientific program of the Vinča Institute, along with the activities and diverse research topics of the institute's laboratories, emphasizing the results achieved in recent years. Dr Đorđević showcased the past and some of the most recent results of his group, which aims to improve cancer radiation therapy. It was concluded that the ongoing collaboration should be continued and further enhanced, and that there is significant potential for exploring new joint research topics within the areas of expertise of the two institutes.