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see the strees 

Međunarodna radionica pod nazivom "Don't guess, see the stress - Oxidative/nitrosative imbalance and the brain: relevance and methods", sponzorisana od strane International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), održaće se u našem Institutu u Laboratoriji za molekularnu biologiju i endokrinologiju u periodu od 20. do 24. juna 2022.  


Workshop “Don’t guess, see the stress - Oxidative/nitrosative imbalance and the brain: relevance and methods” is an intensive five-days in-person course geared towards undergraduate and master students interested in molecular mechanisms associated with neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. Interested students will have the opportunity to learn and “measure” oxidative and nitrosative stress as one of the most prominent hallmarks of diverse neurodegenerative diseases/processes.

To ensure a valuable and comprehensible course to our participants the workshop consists of three parts. The first part includes lectures given by eminent experts in the field, the second provides practical knowledge and includes experiment performing using custom methods for determination of oxidative/nitrosative status in cells/tissue and the third part implies a live discussion about obtained results and its biological relevance.

By the end of the workshop the participants will:

  • gain knowledge about oxidative/nitrosative species and their relevance in healthy and diseased brain;
  • overcome assays for determination of oxidative/nitrosative stress markers frequently used in neuroscience research;
  • have insight into several rat models including cerebral ischemia, intoxication, drug abuse;
  • get opportunity to meet experienced experts in neuroscience research and have a live discussion and valuable professional advices and suggestions about future carrier;
  • find future lab practice and employment opportunities.

The workshop will take place from 20th to 24th June 2022 at Department of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology, VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of thе Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.

President of Organizing Committee: Dr Marina Zarić Kontić, Assistant Research Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology, Vinča institute of nuclear sciences- National Institute of Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade
Supported by the International Brain Research Organization Meetings Support program