"Through mutual exchange visits, workshops, and joint research, principal investigators and students will connect Serbia and America in support of education and communication on the importance of, and conceptual scientific basis of, renewable energy and water sustainability.
Congrats to Dr Dragan Isailovic, @ChemistryToledo, Dr Randy Ellingson,@UToledo & Dr Ivana Validzic, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, who received funding of $99,964 from the @StateDept for thei...
Četiri saradnika Instituta “Vinča” su na glavnoj listi Univerziteta Stanford ažurirane u Septembru 2022. godine (September 2022 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators") koja uzima u obzir celokupnu karijeru: dr Mikhail Brik, prof. dr. Miroslav Dramićanin, dr Bojan Janković i dr Jovan Nedeljković.
Na listi koja uzima rezultat...
Poseta predstavnika Objedinjnog instituta za nuklearna istraživanja (OINI) u Dubni Institutu “Vinča”
U cilju proširivanja višegodišnje saradnje u okviru različitih naučnoistraživačkih oblasti, Institut “Vinča" posetio je dr Dmitrij Vladimirovič Kamanin, direktor za međunarodnu saradnju Objedinjenog instituta za nuklearna istraživanja (OINI) u Dubni sa svojim saradnicima.
...Noć istraživača u Institutu za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“, Institutu od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Univerziteta u Beogradu - 30.09.2022. godine
Moj naučni kalendar
Sačuvajte ovaj datum, jer vas vodimo da izbliza vidite Teslin transformator ili istražite veliki akcelerator jona Tesla. Upoznaćemo vas sa novim materijalima, ali i načinima ...
Ambasador Republike Francuske u Srbiji Pjer Košar, u utorak 12.06.2022. god. posetio je Institut za nuklearne nauke „Vinča“, Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Univerziteta u Beogradu, zajedno sa direktorom Francuskog instituta i savetnikom za saradnju i kulturnu delatnost ambasade Republike Francuske Stanislasom Pjerom, kao i atašeom za saradnju Fransoaom Gzavije K...
The Vinča’s Horizon Award is programme for research and technological development by financing multidisciplinary projects in the Institute that will be applicable, with intentions to establish a path from research to the commercialization. Idea is to improve the research potential of Vinca Institute by promoting the prize and add a new glow to the one of oldest Institute in the Republic of Serbia.
The Annual Awards of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences is awarded to researchers for the specific scientific results achieved at the Institute in the field of activity of the Institute, which are defined by the Statute of the Institute. Rules on Awarding and Recognition (srb)
the list of research instruments
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